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Contact Information Standards in Public Website WordPress

Providing direct contact information on your program page or service area site makes it easy for our students to connect with someone who can support their success (it also enables our Switchboard Operators to serve our students more effectively).

In an effort to remove the guesswork from formatting the contact information for your site, IT Services has developed the standards below. This helps to maintain a consistent look and feel across the website and also ensures that the content is accessible and displays correctly on all screen widths.

Please choose from one of these three options:

  1. Name-focused contact information
  2. Position-focused contact information
  3. Image beside contact information

Name-focused contact information:

John Doe
Tel: 604-555-1212

This uses our standard paragraph formatting, with the name bolded and a single line break between lines.

You can create a mailto link (a clickable email address that, when clicked on, opens the default mail program and creates a new message with the TO field already filled out) by selecting the email address, then clicking the Insert/edit link button followed by the Apply button.

Position-focused contact information:

John Doe
Tel: 604-555-1212

This uses our standard paragraph formatting, with the position bolded and a single line break between lines.

You can create a mailto link (a clickable email address that, when clicked on, opens the default mail program and creates a new message with the TO field already filled out) by selecting the email address, then clicking the Insert/edit link button followed by the Apply button.

Image with contact information:

Instructor John DoeJohn Doe
Tel: 604-555-1212

This uses our standard paragraph formatting, with the name bolded and a single line break between lines.

Images used with contact information should be no wider than 150 px, or, thumbnail sized. All contact photos on the same page should be the same height and of a similar style (e.g., all professional, colour headshots).

To insert the image, place the cursor before the first line of text, then select Add Media in the WYSIWYG editor. Upload the photo, remembering to add alt text (for example, “BCIT instructor [instructor’s name]”) to the image to make sure your content meets web accessibility standards. UnderĀ Attachment Display Settings, choose left alignment. Select the thumbnail Size in the dropdown, then Insert Image.

You can create a mailto link (a clickable email address that, when clicked on, opens the default mail program and creates a new message with the TO field already filled out) by selecting the email address, then clicking the Insert/edit link button followed by the Apply button.

More information about using public website WordPress