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Finding and Booking a Meeting Room/Resource in Outlook and Exchange Online

Looking for an available meeting room at BCIT can sometimes be a frustrating exercise. Luckily, you can use the Room Finder to help find open availability.

Note: If you are intending to book a hybrid meeting, consult the list of meeting rooms with teleconferencing equipment installed.

Room types

Finding and booking meeting rooms and resources

Important: Don’t forget to contact other departments should you require additional services such as Catering, AV equipment, furniture, and so on.

Note: that the selected meeting room is inserted into two fields on the Invitation form. This is normal, and removing one of those two entries will result in the room request being cancelled!

Note on declined room requests

When the room isn’t available, the request will be declined but it should indicate the reason for the rejection as shown below. In this case, the rejection indicates that the room was already booked for the requested time period. Make sure to check room availability before sending your requests.

Screen shot snippet Outlook Room reservations

Repeat meetings will declined if at least 40% of the dates or more than six instances conflict with existing meetings, otherwise all available dates will be booked and exceptions will be flagged in an email to you.

Screen shot snippet Outlook Room reservations