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Updating Personal Information in Employee Dashboard

An employee may need to update personal information including address, phone number, personal email addresses and emergency contacts. Additionally, if an employee prefers to be addressed by a nickname rather than their legal first name, they can update their Preferred First Name.

Reviewing and updating personal information

In your Employee Dashboard, click on My Profile.

Screenshot Employee Dashboard

At any time, you can click on the Employee Dashboard to return to that area.

The Employee Profile will provide employees with a more comprehensive view of frequently sought after information at one location.

To edit this personal information, click on More Personal Information at the top-left corner under your employee details, or click on any of the pencil icons in the separate sections.

Screenshot Employee Dashboard Employee profile

Your Personal Information will display both Employee and Student information. Scroll down the page to view further sections.

To make edits, click on the areas with a (pencil icon) Edit, (+) Add New, or (trash icon) Delete.

NOTE: Access is granted to add/edit/delete certain fields.

Screenshot Employee Dashboard Personal Information


Please review sections below to see what fields will be accessible for an employee to change.