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Forwarding your myBCIT Email


Forwarding myBCIT email is best effort due to stricter regulations from Google, Yahoo, and other mail providers to combat spam and phishing. Email forwarding is not recommended and may cause interruptions in service due to the external regulations.

If you don’t check your myBCIT email regularly or if you prefer to use another email address, you can set your myBCIT mailbox to forward all email to another address by following these steps.

Forwarding your myBCIT email

  1. Log in to myBCIT.
  2. Click on My Mail at the top-right corner.Screenshot of My Mail link in myBCIT
  3. In your myBCIT email, click on Settings at the top-right corner.Screenshot of Setting button in myBCIT
  4. Under the Settings section, click on Filters.Screenshot of Filters link in myBCIT email settings
  5. Under the Filters section, click on the + to add a filter.Screenshot of myBCIT Filter Plus symbol
  6. In the “Filter Name” box, give a name to your filter (example: Forwarding).
  7. Under “For incoming mail“, click on ‘all messages’.
  8. Under “…execute the following actions“, click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Redirect message to’. In the text-input field to the right, enter the destination email address where you want incoming emails to be forwarded.
     If you want to forward to more than 1 email address, click on the + to add another email.
  9. Click Save.Screenshot of myBCIT Forwarding email steps

A pop-up message will temporarily appear stating “Filter saved successfully”.

From this point on, all email sent to your myBCIT email account will automatically be forwarded to the email address you specified.

NOTE: Once you make this change, you will not see any emails in your myBCIT email inbox.

Disabling email forwarding

Screenshot of myBCIT Filter disabled button

In the Filter definition area, move the button to the right on the Filter disabled button.