This page provides a basic data summary view for a student account, including last name, first name, birth date, address details, course history and ‘Status in Canada’ information.
SWIIDNS (BCIT Person/Email Search)
This page provides a basic data summary view for a student account, including last name, first name, birth date, address details, course history and ‘Status in Canada’ information.
This page is a ‘combined’ search form to be used in place of all other ‘search forms/ pages’ such as:
SOAIDEN (Person Search)
GUIALTI (SSN/SIN/DOB Alternate ID Search)
GUISRCH (General/Email Search)
Accessing the SWIIDNS page directly
Navigate to the left navigation bar and click either the Dashboard icon or the Search icon. In the search bar, enter SWIIDNS and press <Enter>. Alternatively, click on the designated population below to proceed directly to the page.
Accessing SWIIDNS from another Banner page
You can also access SWIIDNS from other pages like SPAIDEN, SAAQUIK, SAAADMS, SFAREGS, SGASTDN, or GOAINTL. In the key block area of these pages, there are two ways to navigate to SWIIDNS.
Note: Viewing these pages depends on your assigned Banner security permissions.
Click the Search (ellipses) to the right of the ID field, and select BCIT: Person/Email Search.
OR click on the RELATED icon found on the top menu bar and scroll down to find and select BCIT: Person/Email Search (SWIIDNS).
When you first access the SWIIDNS page, you will be automatically directed to a Person Search.
Basic filter
Enter your search values into the default filter boxes. To add another search criterion, click the drop-down menu next to Add Another Field.
Filter search results by populating (1 or more) of the following fields – legal Last Name, legal First Name, Preferred Name, ‘add another field’ i.e. Date of Birth Note: The more parameters you enter, the narrower the search, which may result in missing duplicates. Your available fields are determined by your security access level.
Use the wildcard symbol (%) to broaden your search. This placeholder represents any character, including spaces, and can be useful for finding variations such as hyphenated names or nicknames.
EXAMPLE: (complete) Last Name = %Smith%, (shortened) First name = %Sam%
DOB without hyphens/ no wildcards (DDMMMYYYY)
DOB searches using the wildcard option
10% to find all related 10th day birth dates
%10 to find all related DOB years ending in ‘10’
%MMM% for month (alpha character must be used)
Pro Tip – Use column header to sort:
Saving filter settings
After adding another field to the filter, click the Settings icon and select Save Filter Settings to retain the additional filtering fields that were not originally default.
Advanced filter
Alternatively, you can select the Advanced Filter tab to make a specific query without using the wildcard symbol (%).
Click the Field drop-down menu next to Contains to make a guided selection.
For users with access to the Birth Date filter, the field requires the day, month, year (in any format).
When all search values are entered, press GO or <F8> to execute search.
Results of your search will display.
Scroll down the right sidebar to view all the information related to the Student ID.
Use the Next Section button or press <Alt+PageDown> to navigate to the next section
Use the Previous Section button or press <Alt+PageUp> to navigate to the previous section.
Click Filter Again to refine your search if necessary.
When you return to your search filters, you’ll see that the previous parameters are retained. After making your changes, press GO or <F8> to execute the search again.
SWIIDNS defaults to displaying 3 records per page to show comprehensive information for each ID on a single page. Use the arrow buttons to navigate between pages, or adjust the pagination settings to change the number of records displayed “Per Page”.
If multiple Student IDs are listed, select the desired ID to view its corresponding data in the sections below.
When you highlight a specific ID, the section below—featuring Email Address, Address Details, General Student, VISA, and Course Reg History—will pertain specifically to that ID. Pro Tip – You can navigate through your information by placing your cursor inside a specific section.
Note: Double-click the selected ID to retain the highlighted selection as you navigate to the next page, such as SPAIDEN. Alternatively, if your search originated within SPAIDEN (or any other page), the ID will populate in the key block of the chosen page.
Upon entering the SWIIDNS page, it defaults to an active Person Search. Attempting to select Email Search will result in an error message displayed in red at the top-right corner stating, “Operation not allowed while in query mode.
Click on the Close (X) button at the top-left corner of your page or <Ctrl+Q>. This will allow you to exit from the Person Search. A green message will appear at the top-right corner stating “Query canceled.”
You may proceed by clicking on Email Search now.
You can either click the Next Section button or press <Alt+PageDown> to expand the box under the Email Address section, or simply move your cursor into that section.
Email Address: Please enter the provided email address, utilizing the ‘Contains’ parameter or wildcard function ‘%’ as needed. Note: In this section, you have the option of using the Basic Filter or Advanced Filter.
Press Go or <F8> to execute search.
After entering the email address, information will populate across all sections.
To enter another email address, click Filter Again to return to the email address input box.
Reminder: You must cancel an incomplete query before switching query types, such as changing from a person query to an email query.
If you’ve been granted Banner security access to create student accounts, consider these essential questions before proceeding with new account creation:
Have they previously inquired, registered, or applied to BCIT?
Have they been known by any other name or nickname?
If yes to either, ensure a thorough search is conducted (i.e. transposed names, transposed DOB month/day)
If you are unable to locate the previous account, escalate to:
If there are two ID’s for the same person OR two different people are applied to one ID:
All duplicate/multiple record merges, screen print the search results, using Paint, Snipping Tool, or Snagit.
For departments within the Registrar’s Office, please email to
For departments outside the Registrar’s Office, please email to
Please mark URGENT in the subject line of the email when applicable. Examples of Subject Lines:
New Student ID card needed
Registration pending
Transcript Order pending, etc.
If there is a disparity (ex. DOB, MA, Ph), please confirm correct information.
If there are two different students entered into one ID, record/confirm as much data as possible and submit with your “merge/separate” request as appropriate.
Contact (ie. mailing, email, phone)
Biographical information
Course history information confirmed
Note:Urgent merge requests will be processed as priority; all others will be processed as received.