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Reviewing Document History in Banner 9 FOIDOCH

This page displays the processing history of purchasing and payment documents. It identifies and provides the status of all documents in the processing path for the type of document selected.

FOIDOCH – Document History

This page displays the processing history of purchasing and payment documents. It identifies and provides the status of all documents in the processing path for the type of document selected.

  1. Access the Document History (FOIDOCH) page using the Dashboard or Search icon via the Menu Panel.Screenshot of B9 landing page FOIDOCH search

NOTE: This page can also be found in the Navigation Bar by clicking on Applications > Banner > BCIT Accounts Payable Menu (*APBCIT) > Document History (FOIDOCH):

Screenshot Banner FOIDOCH Path Application Screenshot Banner FOIDOCH Path Banner Screenshot Banner FOIDOCH Path BCIT Accoounts Payable Menu (*APBCIT) Screenshot Banner FOIDOCH Path Document History (FOIDOCH)

The key block page of FOIDOCH will appear.

2. Document Type: Enter the document type. If uncertain, a search can be done by clicking on the ellipses to open up a list box. Scroll over to view all pages, and/or adjust the pagination (number to view per page).

Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH Document Type list box

Common Document Types are:

Document Type Document Description
REQ Requisition Shows requisition(s)
PO Purchase Order Shows list of PO’s related to requisition
INV Invoice Shows list of invoices related to requisition
CHK Check Disbursement Shows list of checks related to requisition
RCV Receiving Documents Shows list of receiving documents related to requisition

Filter Search by Document Type

In the Document Type field, you can search for either a PO, REQ, INV, CHK or RCV.

In this example, we will use a PO:

  1. Document Type: Enter PO
  2. Document Code: Enter the PO#. If uncertain, click on the ellipses to search for a PO#.Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH key block page


Document Code Example
For a PO number, it is a letter “P” followed by 7 numbers P0012345, not PO012345 or POO12345
For a Requisition, it is letters “WR” followed by 6 numbers WR123456
For an Invoice, it can start with letters “IM”, “IC”, “IL”, etc IM123456, IC123456, IL123456, etc
For a Receiving document, it is a letter “Y” followed by 7 numbers Y0012345

3. A message may pop up to enter a query. Clear the message by clicking on the number to the right of the TOOLS menu.

Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH query message box

4. Enter applicable search values into any of the default filter boxes. You can add further values to search for by clicking on the down arrow to the right of Add Another Field to insert another filter box.

Screenshot B9 FPIPOHD filter boxes
You can choose to filter through the Basic Filter or the Advanced Filter. Enter search values into the applicable filter boxes.

FYI: It is recommended that during your search, the “Change Sequence” value be set as null. Otherwise the results will include the change sequence versions, which may pull up incomplete data unless one is familiar with the unconventional way Banner handles change orders to PO’s.

Basic filter:

In this filter, some filter entries may need to incorporate the wildcard (%).

Screenshot B9 FPIPOHD Basic Filter

Advanced filter:

In this filter, the wildcard (%) will not be necessary as there are guided descriptive selections (example: Starts With, End With, Contains, etc).

Screenshot B9 FPIPOHD Advanced Filter

5. Press Go or <F8>

The search values will populate. Sorting by columns is possible by clicking on the column header. If an up arrow appears, it is a sortable column.

Screenshot B9 FPIPOHD search

NOTE: Some columns may not be sortable and you will get an error message that it is a “Non sortable item”.

Navigate through the pages of information at the bottom bar.

6. If you need to refine your search, you can click on Filter Again (at the top-right corner) to bring you back to make further entries in the filter boxes. Once new info is entered, click on Go to return to your list

7. Place cursor on the selected PO

8. Press SELECT or <Alt+S>

NOTE: Double-clicking on the line will also work.

Screenshot B9 FPIPOHD Search selection

The PO number will transpose back to the key block page of FOIDOCH.

9. Press Go or <Alt+PageDown>

Screenshot B9 Foidoch key block

The history timeline of that Document Type + Document Code will display:

Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH document history

­FOIDOCH reveals the Purchase Order, Invoices, Check Disbursement and Receiving Document numbers associated with the PO. If there had been a Return or an Asset Tag with the PO, it would appear as well. Document Status is indicated on the page.

NOTE: If the status indicator for the PO is blank, the PO is in process and has not been forwarded to the vendor.

10. Click on the TOOLS icon found on the top menu bar, and scroll down to select View Status Indicators.

Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH TOOLS View Status Indicators

A box will appear listing out different Status Indicators:

Screenshot B9 FOIDOCH Status Indicators box
Status Indicators Description
A Approved A requisition/PO document is approved
C Completed A requisition/PO/receiving document is completed but not yet approved
F Final Reconciliation For checks: bank reconciliation has been done
P Paid Invoice has been paid
R Receipt Required Invoice is on hold awaiting receiving
S Suspended Document is in suspense (usually this indicates that there is a problem)
O Open Document is open
X Cancelled Document has been cancelled
V Void Document has been voided
H Hold Invoice is manually set on hold (as determined by Accounts Payable)
T Tagged Permanently Not used

11. To look up a document type found on FOIDOCH, highlight the document number with your cursor and then click on the RELATED icon found on the top menu bar and select Query Document [BY TYPE]

If highlight on… Banner page that will appear…
Requisition FPIREQN (Requisition Query)
Purchase Order FPIPURR (Purchase/Blanket/Change Order Query)
Invoice FAIINVE (Invoice/Credit Memo Query)
Check Disbursement FAICHKH (Check Payment History)
Receiving Documents FPIRCVD (Receiving Goods Query)

Follow these instructions to search by specific Document Types: