All BCIT lab computers will sign out automatically after a period of inactivity (no mouse or keyboard input). This is done to improve your information security and prevent potential privacy and security breaches. Leaving computers signed in while not being used, intentionally or by accident, puts both user data and BCIT’s computing environment at risk. Automatic sign out timers reduce that risk by ensuring that lab workstations are not left unattended for extended periods of time.
Student lab computers will be automatically signed out after 30 minutes of inactivity. A warning message will appear 15 minutes before sign out.
Instructor and podium lab computers will be automatically signed out after 60 minutes of inactivity. A warning message will appear 15 minutes before sign out. Instructor and Podium lab computers are typically reserved for instructor use. They are often connected to AV projector equipment and can be identified by the workstation name ending in ‘00’.
Automatic sign out timers do not affect admin/staff computers.
To avoid being signed out automatically, users can simply cancel the warning message by using the mouse or keyboard. If a workstation is actively being used no automatic sign out will happen and no warning message will appear.