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Accessing the Local “Student” Account in Computer Labs

BCIT Computer lab workstations have a local administrative account with the username of student. The password of this account will no longer be “study1“.  Each workstation will have an individual password.

The password will be:

  • Unique (different per station)
  • 8 characters long


Retrieving the local student account password

You must be a current instructor or employee in order to access the student account password tool.

To access the passwords for the lab you are currently in:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:/Apps/Instructor
  2. Launch LAPS_Lookup.exe.
  3. You will be shown a list of all stations in the lab and the password for each student account.

What is the reason for this change?

Having an account with a common username and password on multiple computers is a security threat to BCIT. It allows individuals or malware to quickly access and infect other computers for malicious purposes. A unique, random password on each station mitigates this security threat.